Have Someone Else Pay Your Membership

Last Update: September 16, 2009

Have Someone Else Pay Your Membership

Do you feel like you might have to quit WA because you cant pay your membership fee? A measly...

Ok $30 might not be so measly for some. Its not a lot when you look at the value you're getting here at WA but I do see people quitting because they just cant afford.

I hate to see people quit for whatever reason and I try my best to help wherever I can. WA is such a great place - no one likes to see newcomers give up on a dream.

I'm gonna show you a couple of ways you can get other people to pay your membership fee for you. Anyone can use these techniques so if you feel like you may not be able to make it give these a try.

I need to give credits to MRomeo99 for reminding me about this.

1. Get paid to submit articles.

The best place to submit your articles and get paid is at Associated Content. This site pays you for your articles... You don't even have to write with the intention of promoting anything. They pay $1 - $6 I think for your submissions. You can do 1 article  a day or do a bunch. Or you can even have someone write the articles for you. However you do it, you can get that $30 from Associated Content.

Join Associated Content

2. WA Jobs

How about helping your friends here with something you're good at. You can earn enough or more by helping a fellow WA member with his landing page, or write them a couple of articles or help them do a review in exchange for some cash. WA Jobs is another great way to earn some extra money which might help you pay your membership fee.

3. WA Affiliate Program

This may not be the surest way but once you refer two persons to WA you won't have to pay more than $1.99. WA affiliate program pays 50% or $14 so sign up two people and they will pay your membership costs month after month as long as they stay a member. For you this means you get to stay and enjoy all of what WA has to offer basically free of charge.

Its easier than ever to promote the WA affiliate program now since you can promote Site Rubix - the hot, new website builder and get signups from forums and by writing articles using Travis' Bum Marketing Methods. Sign up for BMM here --> http://www.bummarketingmethods.com

4. Money4Banners

Check out Affventures post about Money4Banners. Apparently they pay a guaranteed 5 Pound Sterling for hosting 3 of their banners on a blog or site. You can easily set up a free blog at wordpress or blogger to make this work but do check out the post for more info


Need proof that this works? Check out how we helped Drew get back his $30 when he came up short of his goal.

Please don't give up on your dreams... there's always a way around the problem thats holding you back.


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EverGreenGirl Premium
Hi Jay,
I tried to follow the link above, "came up short of his goal" but it was a dead end. Is there any way for me to access it? I am very interested. By the way, I love your blog posts. I can use this info right away!.
Some gold dust to thank you...