A slow start

Last Update: February 16, 2010

It has been one week since I joined WA and this is my first blog post.Wow! Alot of information everywhere I read. I just jumped in and got my feet wet right away. Trusty notebook at the ready, I have been reading everything I can and taking notes. Put up a feed site but didn't get a relevant enough domain name, so Google is not happy with me. Oh well-I'll get to fixing it soon enough.


Right now, I am taking as many of the mini-courses as possible to get an overall feeling and understanding of the processes. Also, I am taking the 12 week (?) course and have to wait a couple of days for the next installment. Grr.  Oh well. I guess I can go deal with Google in the meantime...

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Roy Penrod Premium
If you want to move at a quicker pace, you can go through this version of the Action Plan instead: