About KT Tampa
Joined July 2010
Hi, my name is Kim and I live in Tampa, FL. I am a phamaceutical rep and have been for 13 years. Although I love it, my industry is under attack by governmental regulations etc. Recently, I stumbled upon an Ebay "listing agent" scam that actually got me interested in legit internet marketing. By researching the scam, I became interested in real legit e-commerce and have started a web site.
I currently am an artist, but do not have enough artwork to really have an effective e-commerce site. So then I discovered World Wide Brands and the whole drop shipping phenomenon, and I was hooked!
Because it is such a big undertaking to start a website, I have been looking for any and all help. My site is not live yet, and I have much to learn.
Somewhere along the way, I was directed here and I am soooo happy to be here. I am glad to meet anyone and I surely can use all the help anyone can get. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone!
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wildflower40 Premium
Hello and Welcome to WA! There is a lot of great info here. Make sure you get started with the fast action start.
KT Tampa Premium
Thank you! Good to be working with you and learning!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. Great information here. Go to potpiegirls blog. She has videos that will help you get started. Best of luck to you.
KT Tampa Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Look forward to networking with you and learning! Kim
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
KT Tampa Premium
Thanks! Cool site. I actually played trumpet in college in the jazz band. Too bad I have not done much with it since. Now my interest is in my artwork--painting, clay, decorative tile, anything. Good to meet you!
KT Tampa Premium
Hello, I'm sooo excited to be here. I live in Tampa and am a pharmaceutical rep, but I have a background in marketing and this seems awesome! Also, my company is laying off in a couple of months, and even if I am retained, I'd like a second source of income.

I've always been entrepeneureal, but unable to really take off on my own. Eventually I'l like to kick the day job, if I don't get laid off first lol.

I've been reading and digesting any and all of the free information this venue has to offer, as well as other free info. I find.

It all started when I decided to start a business based upon my artwork that I create. The problem is, I cannot create enough stuff to sell online. However, when I stumpled upon a e-commerce and I decided to sell upscale purses, jewelry, and accessories IN ADDITION to my stuff, a vision started unfolding.

My researching how to do that and purchasing a web hosting space and domain, I learned about this website. I decided that I also want to be in affiliate marketing, as that will also help my bottom line, and I happen to have always been well at writing....and creating ideas....and marketing.

As I learn this stuff, I will continue to put together my merchant account, and in the meantime, earn some extra income and expertise at affiliate marketing. I surely don't want ot be selling pharmaceuticals forever, and I'm way too independent to do it for much longer anyway. But, I have to recreate my income, or I'll be stuck there.

I'm soooo eager to learn so I'm grabbing anything I can get my hands on and networking as much as possible. I've started with the lesson plan, but if anybody has any other tips, please feel free to drop them in my inbox.

Until then, I hope to make many new friends and colleagues! Happy Selling!

KT Tampa Premium
Help, I am a newbie and trying to load a JPG photo, and the system is telling me I am not loading a JPG. What gives? Please help the compuer stupid lol :)