Hard Selling is not "cool"

Last Update: March 30, 2010

Hey Everyone,

I want to know your thoughts on the traditional hard sell.  Why is the hard sell no longer effective online? 

Do the pushy marketers win the prize...or is it the subtle marketers.  I have just made a post on the WA Blog rapping about my thoughts on the hard sell and how to really make a living online.

Why Hard Selling is so uncool these days

Hint:  Obvious selling is a thing of the past!

Enjoy and as always, add your comments to the WA BLOG if you have any feedback.




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sherbet penny Premium
Great blog, and it's also interesting that when I'm writing articles, I find it hard not to sound like I'm speaking on a one to one basis, and I was thinking that I maybe need to improve and sound more like a marketer, but your right, and I'll keep doing what I'm doing, mainly because I can't help speaking to people when I write.
Slugger_mn Premium
Read it- Love it- haha This is exactly what bugs everyone and pushes them right back into their hometown shops.. Drives me crazy! Whatever, its funny because this same problem is what opens the door for some of us less experienced marketers... Talking to people like they are real people is the best part of working online.. They dont have to deal with the pushy salesmen in the store that doesnt understand no...
kyle Premium
Yes, exactly. People don't like an experience online where they feel like a website is talking to them. Pictures work great and does writing first person. You have to help people relate to an experience of yours or someone else. Tough to be effective selling stuff as an ambiguous entity!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Kyle. I like the way you made yourself the customer. That's the best way of all to know how to communicate with others. Put yourself in their shoes. What works for you works for others. We're all hungry for the "hands on", TLC treatment. Life has gotten so impersonal, it's just not human any more. I won't even bank online, only because I need human contact in order to feel safe. That's why a "personal" approach is more trustworthy online. Also, it's important to know that the webmaster is not hiding from you. You have the name, contact number and address. You also want to know that he/she knows what they are talking about. Authority. So experience counts.
Not2Late Premium
Oh boy oh boy. I read the whole thing. Twice. Now I think I know why I have a few sales on one product. Zero on the other campaigns. Because my writing on the other ones SUCK.

Okay, back to the drawing board. I hear ya...