Is the bubble about to burst?

Last Update: July 08, 2011

Hey everyone,

I am just putting together an article on the Internet Bubble 2.0.  I truly see we are going to see another Bubble burst and I have my reasoning for this.  

At the core of my reasoning is the same thing that caused the 1999 Internet bubble to pop, people were drawn to something new (the Internet at that time) and were valuating everything far too high...even if they made NO MONEY.

 The current bubble has a lot of the same similarities.  Companies are not earning money (in fact losing money), yet have lots of users and lots of investment, yet no actual business model for earning money.  Many more are entering the market.

Just wanted to hear your thoughts on the subject.  Your feedback is appreciated and I will incorporate some of it within my next article on The Internet Bubble!



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magistudio Premium
I see this just around the corner too.. Companies such as Facebook, Twitter & Groupon have this mob mentality where there are SO MANY people on board but no clear direction as to what use the sites/application has.

A clear example is how Huffington Post sold to AOL for $315m..
klrrider Premium
Wasn't here for the first Internet bubble... was recovering from the one that broke in '93... the Ostrich market... boy was it a killer. I survived but many I knew lost everything even their ranches. I had 67 chicks on the ground that sold for $4500 each the year before and by the time they were at a marketable age I couldn't give them away. Got behind on my taxes but didn't lose the farm. IM is much better... at least there is no feed bill!
Slugger_mn Premium
"When there is blood in the streets.. buy real-estate.." When bubbles like this pop it is a good thing for those that know what to look for.. If you educate yourself, and keep your knowledge, and your money working FOR you, you will always come out on top.. As far as I can see, the only people that lose out in these situations are the people with NO business plan, or as I like to call them, "the gamblers".. Read and follow those that know what they are doing, do as they do, and stay away from speculating, run on facts:)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Kyle, congrats once again on your wedding, your birthday coming up, and your success! I enjoyed Frank Kern's iPhone webinar last night. I can't claim to know the future, all I know is my business continues to grow daily thanks to the mobile devices. I trust you 100% and look forward to your next article. You've been around the block, so when you talk, I listen.
kyle Premium
PS. The bubble will not impact YOU as an Internet marketer. It will impact enterprise companies that make no money and the way 'investers" look at some of the new app and mobile opportunties.