Late on Sunday Night...

Last Update: November 29, 2009

But I just wanted to let everyone know that I have a planned "forum" post, which I will also post in here coming tomorrow.  It has taken me some time to get to this, but some things I will be discussing are:

(1) The State of Google Adwords
(2) The FTC Ruling
(3) Landing pages & Quality Score
(4) Is Internet Marketing Dying?
(5) The Big Changes at EZA & Squidoo
(6) Why the World is Affiliate Hatin'

I will get to this sometime tomorrow....

Take care,


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eageraffiliate Premium
Kyle, it all sounds "interesting". I really am looking forward to the latter half of the list as I continue to try and figure out how to cash in on the internet.
Supafly Premium
Internet dying, world is affiliate hatin', FTC ruling...I'm a newbie two weeks young! Did I choose the wrong time to become an internet marketer?
Marcus Premium
Looking forward to hearing your views Kyle!
kyle Premium
Not somber...more of a reality check. :)
sox1n05 Premium
Cool man, thanks for the head's up. It sounds like it's going to be a somber post though. :(