About Eageraffiliate
Joined October 2009
A family man with a lovely bride and four children (ages 21,19,17,14) I am eager to grow a successful IM business. After studying many other folks offerings I found WA to be the best bang for the buck. There is a lot of information out there, but WA offers more than just ideas.

After 18 years in telecommunications management I am ready for a change and IM is the right vehicle for me.
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My account info changed so I'm adding you as a buddy...again. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)
eageraffiliate Premium
Another frustrating morning. I have uploaded something with SR and CoreFTP to my WA hosting. THe trouble is, it does not work as planned and things that I save and upload get "unchanged" wen transfered. I am obviously missing something pretty simple, but it is definintley kicking my backside.

I have been directed to "Bum Marketing" and believe it is genius. I am writing articles and wanting to post them, but need to wait until my site works.
StorminNorman Premium
hey Marine brother thanks for stoppin by my blog and commenting. You had mentioned needing some help with Site Rubix. I'm not real great at it but then I haven't done much with it cuz I use a different site build I've had for sometime but ... there are several tutorials on using Site Rubix - have you checked those out? One I have seen is a tutorial with screen shots the other is a video deal that makes it look pretty simple. However, I have found in this biz what LOOKS simple is usually not as easy as it looks.
StorminNorman Premium
hey Bill - good to hear from you. Sorry you are running into difficulties. I know that when I started learning to use online software (autoresponders, site builders etc...) I got so frustrated I pulled my hair out. I KNOW what you are going through. One thing I haven't learned yet is how to make a video. I need to do that. That way - maybe - I could show a few people how to do some things fairly easily. But then ... like I said I haven't really used Site Rubix so I'd still be no help. I understand weebly.com has a pretty simply and very easy to use site builder. It's WYSIWYG and "drag N drop" plus from what I understand it is a high PR (page rank) site and Google likes them. The ebenfit there is that when you get a site built it will rank better faster because you "piggy-back" on the weebly PR. That's what I have heard - you might want to check it out and see if weebly fits you. weebly.com
Semper Fi
StorminNorman Premium
Bill - It does get easier ... well sort of lol. There is so much material to learn and to me that's the EZ part. It's the frickin' tools that are difficult for us older dudes. The younger guys and gals who GREW UP USING techy stuff have a far easier time with things like site builders, autoresponders, creating vids and the like whereas at least for me - learning to use those things is the challenge. I mean field stripping an M14, 16 or 1911a1 and putting them back together is far easier lol. So hang in there and just practice until it's like field stripping a weapon we used every day. EZ. You know as well as I that quitting is out of the question. I think we are both close to the same age - you're younger but I am willing to bet you still remember what the Corps called quitters and I KNOW neither you nor I are "non-hackers." So ...
Don't ever quit. Even though there isn't really anyone else watching nor depending upon us for preservation of life, like there was in the Corps, you and I would both have a very difficult time looking at our face in the mirror knowing we didn't get the job done. Let me put it this way - this is cake compared to some of the stuff we did in the Corps. And think of how proud your kids will be when they see Dad bringing home big check from his Internet marketing biz. Way cool - right? Way cool.
StorminNorman Premium
Welcome. Thanks for the gold. I appreciate it but you know that it wasn't necessary or expected. I have been no help to you in your SR challenge and for that I appologize but - I have no experience with SR. I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.
eageraffiliate Premium
Semper Fi Mac,
Yes, I am still having issues and yes I am following the tutorials. As I fix one issue another crops up. THe good news is that I should be able to get it resolved soon and then I will know how and it will be easy. I am looking at some other site building programs (free) that work WYSIWYG, and I am exploring how to use Wordpress in the WA system. My first site is ready, just working on the kinks and when that gets to be too much, I write articles to post once I am live. Let me know how things are going for you with WA and your IM business.

eageraffiliate Premium
Thanks again for your assistance, I'll check out weebly.com and see if it is a fit. I am using the space on WA to host this first site and 1 and 1 for additional sites. I have not tried their tools yet. I have been struggling with this for over two weeks. When I can't take it any more, I write articles (much easier) and study marketing techniques. I am truly an eager affiliate and yet I am also a really frustrated affiliate.

Thanks again,

eageraffiliate Premium
Thanks for the pep talk. I have been struggling with this industry for a bit, but it seems easier than lots of things I have done in the past. I have an 18 year telecom career behind me so the hardware is not the issue, it is the world of code. I have hired code types in the past, but I am not one myself. SR is a bear, but I want to get it worked out and move on. You can't make money if you can't get the darn site to work. We did not treat non-hackers and s*&t birds very well, but that is how it shold be. The FMF was no place for those whod did not know their job or who had the wrong attitude. I am grinding away and will let you know when I break the code.
eageraffiliate Premium
Hey, no one, not even Kyle has helped me with my SR issue. I must be such a rock that they just don't know what to say. The gold was given freely for you interest in a new IM guy and yoru kind words. Thanksgiving was pretty darn good. Hope yours was as well. Back at it all out today, I need to get something going here.
Slugger_mn Premium

I started here about 2 months ago. Stay away from programs you have to buy. Stay away from guru's cause there only guru's because they can sell there crappy product to a bunch of newbies trying to make it.

The one thing I would do is watch videos from the high rollers here at the w/a. If you want what they have do what they do. AND THEY TEACH YOU!

Learn Bummarketing, Love Bummarketing! Travis Sago invented it, he is a member here at the w/a. Go to youtube type in Travis sago bummarketing and find all of his free videos and watch them. That is the best info I have found for free.

Ask questions. This will be your biggest tool!

If you want to know more specific info when the time comes, Let me know!
Slugger_mn Premium
Well good! I am glad to hear you are doing well! Well make sure to submit those articles targeting the correct keywords! Low competion, highly searched! haha, If you need help with which directories... let me know, and or anything else I guess too.. haha
eageraffiliate Premium
Thanks for the tip on Bum Marketing, its genius. I am getting through the thirty day package and have read the BM Bible. I am writing several articles a day, but I have not posted them because I can't get my site to work in SR. I really am excited to get started full on with BM.

eageraffiliate Premium
Hello, I am new to WA and, as the name indicates, I am eager to get started in a profitable and fun career of Internet Marketing. I look forward to making the aquaintance of like minded folks.