Posts by LaVonne 4
1) Jesus enters Jerusalem on Sunday riding on a donkey colt.  After casting out the money changers and healing a few sick folk, he leaves Jerusalem bound for Bethany.  He returns to Jerusalem the next morning and begins teaching in the Temple over the next several days. 2) As the Feast of Passover draws nearer, Jesus prepares His disciples for what would happen to Him in the days ahead.  Matthew 26:2 says, “Ye know that after two days is the feast of the Passover, and the S
March 28, 2010
Want to know why PALMS are so special to me?  They are a reminder to me of the very first Palm Sunday or Day of Palms that took place over 2,000 years ago, and here is a brief idea of what happened? Jesus, my precious Lord, went riding into Jerusalem on a DONKEY...and yes, even though He was the REGAL and ROYAL Son of God. Yet, His purpose at that time was not to ride in with POMP and POWER as a KING, but as the Father's HUMBLE SERVANT
Good morning WA affiliates, This early bird is up just a little bit early....4:00 A.M.  Ya think.  Anyway, got up excited and ready to chomp on some worms (i.e. WA material, visuals, etc.) in order to make the most of every opportunity to learn.  This is a new and fresh opportunity, and I intend to do everything I can to maximize my time and make it an exceptional experience.  However, even with my excitement I know that I must, as must we all, keep ALLof
March 26, 2010
Yes, I have only just begun, and boys and girlies out here in WA World, I am looking forward to learning and growing, not just as a separate entity, but as a joint family and community.  Also, a special thanks to Kyle and Carson for inviting us or even adopting us into their Internet Space, Home, and Family! Lastly and for now, just want to say I will do my very best to offer what I may have to contribute to the consumers and merchants via the Internet as well
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