About Learn2earn
Joined November 2008
Hello to all my new WA friends. I'm just getting to develop this profile having joined back on Nov. 26th. I have a habit of needing to know too much before I begin something so I've been surfing th IM industry trying to do just that. But today I stop and dive into the 8 Week Plan. I've been in sales and account management fo many years working for very large corporations and very small franchises. As such, I've always had to know a little about a lot of things which is making it hard to focus on a niche but perhaps gives me a broader view to choose from. I could retire (age) but can't ($$) so, IM with WA is my plan to make the could happen. Hey!...enough chatter. Would love to hear from anyone. Looking forward to this journey.
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learn2earn Premium
Not sure if this is where my profile goes??.....Well, hello to all my new WA friends. I'm just now getting to this profile. Seems I have a need to learn as much about something before I get into it whic slows me down so, I've been surfing the IM industry trying to do just that which can take at least 8 weeks. So, today I dive into the 8 Week Plan. My background is sales and account management which I've worked in for many years with both very large and very small companies. In that role I had to know a little about a lot of different things which makes it difficult to focus on a niche but might give me a broader view to choose from. I could retire (age) but can't ($$$) so, IM with WA is my plan and goal to make the could happen. Hey!...enough chatter. Would love to hear from anyone on your thoughts about how you're doing. Looking forward to taking this journey with you.