About Leslie1
Joined January 2010
The corny picture is of me and my fiance'. That's Randy. We went to high school together, but he was too cool for me back then. LOL Oh!, I'm Leslie. I ditched the name Karen when I was about 30. Never liked that name and I guess midlife crisis hit (at 30) and I went with my middle name.

I'm 45 - My greatest accomplishment is my 19 year old son Tyler who is in his first year of college.

I was a paralegal for 16 years and made the mistake of getting into real estate just before the big boom market, which was fantastic. But since the big economy crash things have been stinking...I am looking forward to many successes here and I wish all of the newcomers and everyone here a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Leslie1's Accomplishments

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psmith Premium
I agree! I think when the day is done and we look back over it, it's the relationships we have and the memories made that mean the most.

I think everyone has mistakes in their life, things they'd do differently if they knew then what they know now, including me. I have 3 sons. My older 2 grew up with their father's family so unfortunately I'm not as close to them. I raise my youngest and we are very close. He's a great young man. I bet your son is too. : )
PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Your Welcome.
Leslie1 Premium
Thanks! I look forward to getting to know you!
psmith Premium
Welcome! Good luck reaching your goals! : )

We have something in common... one of my greatest achievements in life is helping my 18 year old son become the wonderful young man he is.
Leslie1 Premium
Yes. These are the things that life is about. I only have one child...made mistakes along the way..lots! But, he is one heck of a person and I'm sure your son is too!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Leslie1 Premium
Yes! I could definitely use any help you are kind enough to offer. I have made a squidoo lens and a WA campaign..but I'm not linking them right I am sure...once I do it..I'll be off and running...something just isn't connecting for me...thanks for the contact :)
Leslie1 Premium
The corny picture is of me and my fiance'. I'm 45 - I was a paralegal for 16 years and made the mistake of getting into real estate just before the big boom market, which was fantastic. But since the big economy crash things have been stinking...I am looking forward to many successes here and I wish all of the new comers and everyone here a healthy and prosperous New Year!