Focus is a Full Time Job!

Last Update: December 29, 2010

I just realized something earlier today when I was looking through the pages of WA. I got to admit, I was a tad restless and bored, like I had nothing to do, than I remembered I have this new site I created that definitely needed some fresh content, maybe even write some articles in Ezines. 

Anyways what I realized is "Focus" is huge when trying to get your campaigns situated online. I'm that type of person that gets so excited with ideas that when it comes to organizing them... *crickets*

So, what I decided to do is get a binder together, some tabs and folders and place everything associated with my business in there with things I've done and of course, tasks that need to be completed. It helped so much. 

Sleep helps too, 'cause I don't know if any of you are like me, but my ass can stay up all night reading and writing that I forget I have a 13hr day the following morning (I work at a call center). 

Ok, that's all I have to say for now. Toodles.

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algee650 Premium
I totally with you on this one! I have a notebook I jot down notes in, but it's semi chaotic at best. I really need to get my ish organized as well. And you're right, keeping that razor sharp focus is a FT job.
jatdebeaune Premium
Organization is very important. I have a big metal file full of manila folders in alphabetically order. I like it because I can gets my hands on information easily. Also use the computer to store info. Know what you mean about losing track of time when reading and learning. You really do have to get enough sleep or the following day is a wipe out.