Section 10.0

Last Update: June 02, 2012
Hi everyone it's your friendly blogger again. I have a new question where do I find section 10.0. It's mentioned in day 7 but I don't know how to access it. If anyone could point me in the right dirrection, I would be forever grateful.

Thanks Linda
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Hi Linda - I copied this from page 7 of the training - 30 Day Success Club. There is a link there which will give you extra information. The link works - I checked it out.


Step 1: Sign-up to affiliate networks

The first thing you are going to need to do is sign-up to these affiliate programs. Our recommendation is to start with a couple affiliate networks which is a collection of 1,000's of affiliate programs under one roof. For example, you may have heard of They are an affiliate network that allows you to promote over 10,000 digital products simply by signing-up once!

You can get a list of the top affiliate networks by going to the following resource within WA:

Section 10.0: Affiliate Marketing

You may also want to check out 13.0: Sell Something Yourself section. Although it may not be useful to most of you, if you are getting traffic that you cannot find any products for, then you may want to consider some of those ideas.

Task today is to sign-up to at least TWO affiliate networks. Your choice is up to you and feel free to sign-up to more if you like. There are no costs to sign-up to affiliate programs. "