About Litt99
Joined August 2009
My name is Russell, I'm now 29 and I have always been an entrepreneur, the only problem was I could never find anyone within my circle of friends that was serious about making money. I grew up in a small town and I was practically the only one around that even knew what a computer was. Needless to say there just wasn't much opportunity there. I made a little money selling oilfield equipment and flipping houses but again it was a small town. So I got a little money together and my girlfriend (who was pregnant at the time) and my 2 year old daughter and I moved to the city and opened a franchise.
That might not have been such a bad Idea if it were an established franchise like Subway that actually makes money but it was a start up franchise and it cost more than it made to keep the doors open. So I got out of that and I'm back to doing what Ive always done, which is looking for a way to make some good money.
I have wanted to get into making money online since 2003 which is when I went to a seminar that tried to sell me my own website for $3,000 or monthly payments of $200. Which I admit I fell for. Then when I got home to start to build my website they wanted even more money. So I quit that and kinda gave up on the internet.
Now I know the internet is a must. Its not going anywhere and you would have to be pretty dumb to not at least try and harness its power.
I love the idea of internet marketing and I am going to learn everything there is to know about it and you will see me at the top one of these days. It might be a year or it might be 10 but I am determined to make it work.
Litt99's Accomplishments

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jsaun777 Premium
By any chance would you have time for a phone call to talk about WA?
jsaun777 Premium
ok great i sent you an email
Litt99 Premium
Sure, Im in Texas so Im a couple of hours ahead. You can post your # here or email it to me at russ.is.king@gmail.com with the best time to call.
Sarge23 Premium
Hey, buddy I can understand where you are coming from. looking forward to working with you. I'm sure we can brain storm a few good ideas.
Litt99 Premium
Right on, I'm sure we can.
firedragon Premium
Hi Russell, seems you are very active. I am unfortunately a little more laid back, but this here is where i do a change and go for it, as I see it as well as THE opportunity to get where I want to be.
Maybe we can find s.th. to leverage us?
