Fellow Baby Boomers, Take Heart!

Last Update: September 19, 2009

Wow Here I am in the 57th year of my life and I am finally getting to a place where I can have an honest income that will be SubSTANtial and fun. I mean - what fun is it working for the man?

Now - mind you - I was 41 when the www first came to be - and when Google first came out in 1996, I was 44!

I know - for some of you, for MOST of you, it is UNimaginable to think of growing up without computers and the World Wide Web. So that's why all us Boomers get my high 5, 10 and 20 for sticking it out over the learning curve!

In high school, I took typing for a month and quit - the thought of getting stuck in a secretarial job scared the crap out of me. But it's all good, 'cause I learned just enough to be  a 10 finger typist.

So if you are here, inside WA, you are doing great. I walked in the doors, took one look around at the virtual hugeness of it all, and thought, OMG!!!

Pretty soon someone checked in and got me pointed in the right direction.

So Hey! Nice to meetcha and I'll see you out there!

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trinners61 Premium
One more time.....Right-on LongTailSally! My high school typing course has produced a proficient two-fingered style. Saw your subject/title and had to check it out. Godspeed, from one Boomer to another
trinners61 Premium
Right on, LongTailSally! My high school typing course has me at a proficient two-fingered pace. You might also find me in the Guinness Book of Records under World's Slowest "Texter". God-speed, from one Boomer to another.
trinners61 Premium
Right on, LongTailSally! My high school typing course has me at a proficient two-fingered pace. You might also find me in the Guinness Book of Records under World's Slowest "Texter". God-speed, from one Boomer to another.