I can't access to my website!

Last Update: May 19, 2012
Hi, I am trying to access to my website and it's imposible. When I click this comes up:

Oops! We ran into an error on our side. An email has been sent notifying us of this error and we will have a solution shortly.

Please I need a solution since I can't get a support ticket because I can`t access to my website.

Thank you

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HelRay Premium
I'm getting the same error as I am trying to upload a new domain
Sielke Premium
That, you'll have to wait for the system admins to fix but if you already installed it then using the details I posted below will get you access.
TJ Books Premium
This happens once and a while. I'm having the same problem today. Kyle will get it fixed. Meanwhile, do what Sielke says. John
TJ Books Premium
Add a comment...I meant once in a while. John
TJ Books Premium
Add a comment...I meant once in a while. John
Sielke Premium
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