First $500 day

Last Update: December 22, 2010

I've been Wealthy affiliate since 4/2009 and I have to give credit where credit is do, Kyle & Carson do a fantastic job adding killer content to the WA community

and Jay TOO!

I just earned my first $500.00  managing a marketing campaigne for a friend of mines local small business 

Had him ranked for his keywords on Googles second page in three days, with a little more tweeking I should have on the first page within another day or two.

And, I have to say, the WAbinars that Jay's been serving up have been a tremendous help in my accomplishments.

Being a visual learner the WAbinars have helped me grasp and organize the information in a more effeciant way.

Thanks and keep'em comin  Jay

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Sherion Premium
Congrats on your success so far. Best Wishes To You.
lovin_life67 Premium
Right on! It's really nice to hear about the successes here at WA. I should really take the time to listen to all the WAbinars. Listened to one so far.
Jamie Smith Premium
Jay ROCKS indeed! Congrats on all your hard work and success.
jatdebeaune Premium
Jay rocks!