IMPORTANT: A Fellow Member Needs Our Help My Friends!

Last Update: May 26, 2010


Just a quick blog post to tell everyone that Ed (Mario/Luigi) is going through tough times, he has to leave his appartement in a month and is in a position like PotPieGirl when she started, broke. He keeps believing and will keep doing affiliate marketing but he needs help right now.

 Here's the direct link to his blog post about the eviction notice he just received:

Our community has always helped fellow members.

 Please send some gold his way if you can. He needs it.

 And of course, spread the word! ;)

~ Louise

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andys43us Premium
Sent him gold. Thanks for telling us.
Louise M. Premium
My dear Joan, I knew I'd see you here ;) Your message on Ed's blog was very sweet.
jatdebeaune Premium
Right on it Louise.
Louise M. Premium
Thanks Benn! He'll appreciate it! :)
rookie-san Premium
Woah...that's sad.
Thanks for sharing.I'll be sure to send my remaining pieces of gold !!!