In bed with Matt Cutts..

Last Update: August 16, 2011

How about that for a catchy title? ;)  (no I didn't take the picture below.. lol)

Just sharing a pic from Matt Cutts' Google profile.


He's back from Kilimanjaro, all tanned, thin and unshaved. Pretty hot too but that's my opinion (yeah beard and glasses have a weird effect on me).

So what's the point of me posting this pretty unusual pic of Matt Cutts (oh and I spared you the "Matt & his cat" pic and other personal stuff)? Well the point is that I thought Google Profile wasn't a Facebook 2 but a way to build authority around quality content and create author profiles for your visitors to see.

So this is just confusing to me. Maybe it's because I'm not on Facebook and am still surprised to see how the professional/personal line is so blurry these days.. But I mean c'mon! Matt Cutts! 

Well maybe the Matt-Cutts-surprisingly-hot-and-half-naked-in-his-bedroom is just a Google strategy to make Matt look human although we all know he's an advanced droid..

Your take on that? (not the doid part I mean)

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jatdebeaune Premium
Funny, never thought of him that way.
magistudio Premium
A trip to Kilimanjaro can make you do some weird things!! Why Matt.. WHY!? At least if he ever becomes a fugitive, he has his wanted poster all set.. lol