My SEO Bible !

Last Update: February 26, 2010

Hi everyone !

A quick post to share an awesome FREE resource. Hope you're not offended I call it a Bible ! Well... you know, it's big and inspiring and gives clues about things... lol

It's called "Search Engine Optimization Made Easy". It's a huge in-depth report of all the effective SEO techniques. I've learnt a lot and hope you'll find it useful !

There you go:


I mentioned it to Ian (idm) first and then thought "Hey my other WA friends might enjoy it too !" ;)

Have a sweet day !


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Louise M. Premium
You're forgiven Ian ! lol
I'd be interested to know what you think of it when you'll be done reading it ! :)
idm Premium
Well, Louise, I must admit I haven't read it yet. But I've been doing a little video marketing so that's my excuse! I've got your bible on my desktop, and things don't last very long on my desktop. :)
Roy Penrod Premium
Thanks for sharing, Louise! I really appreciate it!