Supersimple to-do list tool ! Thanks to Seth Godin ! :)

Last Update: December 12, 2009

I subscribed to Seth Godin's blog months ago and I therefore receive his posts by email every day as he writes at least 1 post a day ! Seth Godin is such a great blogger and marketer and person... ok lol.

In his last post he talks about a supersimple to-do list tool !

I love it already. It's just simple. Just useful. Just exactly what I need. :)

I immediately wanted to share it with you :


Have a great day my friends !

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cld111 Premium
Just wanted to mention that now that I've gotten a chance to use this, I LOVE it! I put everything I need to do on there - IM, stuff at home, appointments. I don't know why I love it, but I do! It's so refreshingly simple!
cld111 Premium
Thanks for posting! I signed up and am using it right now.
Quokka Premium
Thanks! Signed up and it looks handy. The Someday part is great for creating a bucketlist (which I was just discussing with a friend).
idm Premium
This is pretty cool :)