Writing to Granny.

Last Update: February 19, 2010

It's been 3 weeks now that my grandma left a sweet message on my answering machine, singing a little song and talking about the weather in the South of France where she lives and about the "old people" she often visits (lol she's 80 !).

3 weeks. I told mysef I would take the time to write something to her. I bought a pretty card 9 days ago. The card is still in my bag.

The purpose of this post is just that... I suddenly realized that I used to pospone my articles writing and was kinda lazy and had to motivate myself a lot doing internet marketing when I started a few months ago and that now... well, now, I'm motivated.

I write all the time, publish all the time, work. I slowly begin to postpone the things related to my "personal" life, and that's not good.

I need to find a balance. We all do I guess.

I'll take a moment right now to write to my grandma about the snow in Paris and the delicious vegetarian recipes I cooked and how I miss her.

Have a sweet day folks and don't forget the people around you, find your balance.


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Maghdalena Premium
It's not supposed to be just a job, (IM and AM), but we need to remember what we're being an affiliate marketer for and why we're in this business. It's to connect with and help people including our loved ones. Because some of our customer's have loved ones too and they might mention us to those they care about who have similar problems to their own, but it really comes down to is that our customers are human beings, just like our friends and family and this balance will show in our blogs and websites(not to mention email marketing)
flapjackgirl Premium
That was so endearing! Myself, I think Grandma should be a priority. But then, that is where balance comes in. Some of us weigh the scales down on the other end and put our "personal lives" ahead of our Internet Marketing. This totally does not work. Finding that balance is a much more complicated than it appears to be.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Louise. Balance takes some discipline. And you have to set priorities. Need to take time for family and friends for sure, otherwise what is it all about?
Roy Penrod Premium
Thanks for the reminder, Louise.