My article topic is banned by Squidoo.

Last Update: October 18, 2010

Ok, so I worked my butt off last week and completed Lesson 5 for the Article Marketing Certification Course.  Except for the final posting.  Squidoo is saying that my topic is banned.  I edited, edited, edited, and edited and still the same.  Changed titles, took out WA links, still the same.

 Has anyone gone through this?  What did you do to fix it?  Should I not say the words Internet Marketing? Wealthy Affiliate?  Affiliate Marketing?  Work at Home online?

 Please let me know if you have had this problem too?  I'm almost ready to say forget Squidoo and post Ezine links to my landing page so that I can move on to lesson 6.   I would like to over come this obstacle though.


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erussell Premium
No chance at promoting Wealthy Affiliate on Squidoo. They brought the hammer down quite some time ago.
KMA74 Premium
I had the same problem. I've even had some lenses deleted. Hubpages will work, and it's pretty similar to squidoo. Good Luck.
dec944 Premium
Be cautious with how much time you spend on a Squidoo lens promoting IM, WA or work at home. They had lost so much credibility with Google they really had to lower the hammer. You may just want to move on to a different platform.
andys43us Premium
forget Squidoo, they are a pain in the a$$ and don't hold the authority in Google they once had. So, it's better to use other web 2.0 sites like hubpages.
lovin_life67 Premium
UPDATE: I made a bunch of changes and now they're telling me add more content...guess I deleted too much. Well, back to writing...