Posts by Lukespook 4
I have been a member now for nearly 4 months and I am still not making any money. I have created a blog = a website = and have written close to 100 articles that have been shared out amongst ezine, hubpages, squidoo, goarticles, articlesbase, and I am getting traffic and even some clicks, but I am not getting any conversions. I guess it is because of my website landing page. I am still a beginner when it comes to web design. Help pl
1 comment
April 07, 2010
Had a lot of trouble with squidoo's spam filter. It appears that the words [wealthy affiliate] are considered to be spam.  Anyway, it is brand new today and needs some comments and some love from ye' all. A few ratings, too!     lol Cheers!
I really feel like I have made the right decision to join WA and over the past 48 hours have been thinking a lot about what I have learned just in the first couple of lessons here. More importantly though, upon logging in here today I was very happy to see that I have many warm welcome messages from fellow WA members. It is very encouraging and I would like to say a big thanx to you all. THANKYOU!
March 30, 2010
Hi and thanx for visiting. This is my first blog post here at WA, but I am not really new to the world of blogging. I tried my hand at blogging with a blogger blog over at google for a while.It was a learning experience and I even made a few dollars from adsense.  The problem is that google decided that I was getting too many backlinks in too short a period of time and deleted my blog. It was a very sad day for me and I have no way of recovering what work I had done. Fortunately though, I