Time to chew - newbies banquet

Last Update: July 17, 2010

Goodness! - the WA is a real feast of ideas, tools, and opportunities. Trying to find the time to digest it all. I think someone suggested small steps - you can climb any mountain, just remember start with one foot in front of the other, the rest comes naturally. Inspired, tired but ready to rock 'n roll

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phbreez Premium
Hi...Welcome to WAU. I am a newbie from May 30th when I joined up too. I wondered then if I had made a good decision and hoped I had. I now have found WA to be very good and worth the time and money.
I have kept notes on my learning and posted them up on my blog at phbreez.....might help you get going and a few of us exchanged emails after experiencing some frustration to keep us on track and far away from quiting.
Please be a Buddy here and come to our very new Free Newbie Club. No membership or cost, but a little mini business plan that may help with a step by step method and some simple as pie stuff to do to get a good start and get the feeling of being involved while figuring this all out. Take care....stay in touch... Phil phbreez
Louise M. Premium
One step at a time is the only way to keep it simple. Don't forget to take action! ;)
moonvine Premium
Yep! Mary Kay used to say you could eat an elephant one bite at a time. WA can be overwhelming. There is so much information here, but if you take it one step at a time, you will be fine -- and so will I! lol I am still reeling after about six weeks of returning to WA - but this time I am going slower, enjoying, studying, learning. Welcome to WA!