Knowledge the beginning of wealth

Last Update: April 26, 2012

How many times we never learn what it takes to be successful and run the rat race? The beginning of wealth is ultimately knowledge. I joined WA to gather this information and boy do they have it.

I've learned more in 15 days than I have in a year on my own. However sometimes we can get overwhelmed and have to back up and relearn what we missed.

Wealthy Affiliate allows us to work at our own pace and process the information better than getting lost in the rat maze and missing important steps and guidelines. Hats off to you guys!

Although I am still in the process of learning this knowledge that I have gained it is phenomenal and worth more than a month of paychecks. Keep in mind knowledge is not free nor should it be. Without the help of someone writing a book or teaching in a class room where would the world be?

My name is Dolph Herrin and I am looking for like minded people to help each other build what we most desire and that is success. Have a great day and hope to see your post and blogs in the future.

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