Computer Bit the Dust

Last Update: July 21, 2010

Haven't been on in a new laptop bit the it has been back at Toshiba getting repaired...We shall see....

I am looking forward to continuining my education..and learning all I can..and of course implementing what I learn..

I have managed to jump online some while my computer is gone..thanks to friends...but I really want my own computer is just so much easier to do things on your own computer...So hopefully Toshiba will correctly repair or replace my laptop (I'm hoping for replacement..<G>)

Hope everyone is having a great summer and learning and earning...


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Rhombus Premium
My Gateway desktop has been having some issues, but with tech support I've gotten it back up. I hate the Blue Screen of Death, LOL. In the meantime I picked up a Lenovo laptop and have decent luck using it, though I am new to laptops. I wish you all the best in getting your Toshiba back like
DABK Premium
Hey, my laptop died on me this morning. A Toshiba too. To the repair shop in 2 hours. I have back up computers, but it still sucks. I had bookmarks and shortcuts on the lap top I don't have on the others. Besides, it just sucks. I like my laptop. I like going to coffee houses and working.
Barnabus Premium
Hi Maggie Jo1, I never had any luck with laptops either. The good part is having friends to go to in times of PC meltdown. I know you will be able to jump right back in on the learning, implementing and earning just as soon as your PC returns. In fact, you can count on it. Peace ....Barnabus