Started the Article Marketing Club for STF

Last Update: October 26, 2010

This is my first day for my first WA Article Writers STF Club. I have my domain and it is in the process of being approved. I've never done this before, but I figure, what the heck? It will get me out the barn door at least for the weight loss niche while I am doing research for guitarist health. I think it's related anyway because if you don't eat right, or have a healthy lifestyle, your health as an individual and a guitarist will suffer. This includes bad posture, not taking in the right nutrients, and may develop (if you have not already arrived) obesity yourself. It's real hard to practice if you're overweight and don't have the energy to practice or get gigs or compete with other guitarists if you play classical. It all connects here,and a big part is mindset. I'm working on this hoping my article writing will get out the door too. It's awfully hard sometimes for me to get started. I'm getting ideas for keywords though. I'll keep everyone posted.


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