How to Overcome Affiliate Adversity

Last Update: May 18, 2011

ad·ver·si·ty /ad?v?rsit?/
Noun: Difficulties; misfortune.

Regardless where you are in your online marketing success path, I'm sure you've experienced some sort of road block that has frustrated you to no end.

It could be technical..
It could be financial..
It could be peers not believing in you..
It could be all of the above!

Here are 3 quick tips that I USE when faced with Affiliate Adversity

1. Write down the problem on your whiteboard
I tend to brush problems under the carpet, but if I write them down - I am faced with it as my whiteboard is directly in my view.

2. Write down how YOU can solve the problem
By writing down ways I think can help solve the problem, I am already taking action by addressing the issue and am one step closer to my goal.

3. Write down a target timeline goal to overcome the problem
I like to have a timeline for many things in my life, and addressing problems are one of them. By implementing a timeline into my daily/weekly schedule, I am treating it like any other task that NEEDS to be completed.

BONUS TIP ==> Watch or Read something inspirational
I am very motivated by other people achievements and by watching others overcome adversity, gets me totally pumped to overcome my own.

Here is one my all-time favorite videos showing someone overcoming adversity by taking a HUGE jump to achieve a dream.

What do you think? Does this Video inspire YOU?

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jatdebeaune Premium
I get chill bumps every time I see that video. Love watching it. You get in the zone and obstacles fade away. Very inspirational.
Incognito Premium
That's it...! I'm off to sing Opera now! Great post Jay ;)
robert2704 Premium
Great video to sign off your tips. That guys testament to flying in the face of adversity. From back then to where he is now within 4 years. Going back to the affiliate adversity...the WA success forum has tons. The latest one that stood out was Lisaf. 4 years but got to where she wanted and quit her job. One day I'll have a thread in there. Love the post. Cheers
Slugger_mn Premium
An oldie but a goody:)
Jamie Smith Premium
Props to everyone bringing their A-game by taking action to overcome adversity each step of the way towards their goals!