Kern's List Control - Resist The Temptation

Last Update: March 15, 2010

Hey Everyone,

OK, Frank Kern is releasing his List Control product today and I am here to tell you to resist the urge to purchase!


Because you have everything you need right here at good ol' WA...

Frank isn't re-inventing the wheel with his List Control product, it's merely a different (and way more expensive) way of teaching Email Marketing. 

If you want to learn about effective email marketing and how to build a list, simple go to the WA Email Marketing Training Section here:

"Internet Marketing products don't make you wealthy - taking action does..."


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instead Premium
Thanks for lookin' out bro. THIS is exactly why I joined WA. People like you. Gold for you.
martyn01202 Premium
Brilliant post Jay, I was just reading about a UK entrepreneur who came up with a product called eFormula about 18 months ago. Frank Kern seems to have copied the system to the letter and is now promoting it under a different title. It's email marketing as you say and, when you look at it, yes, it's all here on WA. Thank you for bringing it to the fore.
jeffrey73 Premium
Thanks for this post. And it's so true that product is most likely 100% "hype". And right, taking ACTION makes you $$! The lesson to be learned is to take action like Kern and all his buddies have been doing.
PotPieGirl Premium
Resist temptation? What??!? What kind of statement is that from a marketer?!!?!? LOL! Kind of hard to avoid when every third email in my inbox is a promo for it. Gotta love a launch day!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for assisting me to resist temptation. I was curious because it's Frank Kern. One more unneeded thing in my arsenal would not be smart.