About Martyn01202
Joined March 2010
Hi my name is Martyn and I've joined WA from March 2010 since I've gone 'full time Internet'.

I started full time work in the 1970s, firstly as an office boy, then worked as an engineer in a family entertainment centre in the UK, ran an entertainment agency in the late 1970s and through the 1980s, worked in a very large drug store; working my way up to overall manager, presented shows on a local radio station and returned to the family entertainment centre, this time as manager, right up to 2009 where I was made redundant and, therefore, gave me the chance to do what I've aimed for since the 90s. Go full time Internet marketer.

I've been involved in marketing since 1985 and the Internet since 1994 (and before that, when going online was just a white screen with black text, typing messages on bulletin boards) when it all began.

I got involved in 'working from home' business opportunities in the mid to late 1990s and started writing articles for the various home business publications around the world.

I eventually started my own newsletter which turned into an 'Internet only' publication in 1999.

I still publish it today where it is free to join and contains all sorts of help and advice to do with Internet marketing and related niches. I have 1000s of subscribers who I keep in touch with each month via email ezines and general updates.

Joining WA University was a great idea for me because I have now finished in my old day job and am working, full time, on my Internet projects which include managing over 30 websites, visiting local businesses in my area and getting them online, writing my magazine, looking after a forum and writing articles for online colleagues.

You'd think that doing all this would mean that WA wasn't for me but, on the contrary, it is especially for me … why? Because I just find it so hard to focus on ONE thing and, therefore, I have projects that fail simply because I won't concentrate on them properly.

WA is sitting me down, giving me lessons in Internet marketing right through to completion and showing me the right way to do business and not in the ad hoc way that I've been operating.

Yes, I know how to do this and how to do that with Internet marketing but it's putting that knowledge to use in order to make a proper living out of it, which I am aiming for, and WA will help me achieve this, I'm sure.

Many of my past readers have gone on to become very successful in their respective Internet careers after reading my blueprints and taking advice etc. etc. which shows that I'm probably very good at teaching but don’t necessarily practice what I preach so, WA is the place to be where everything I need is in one place.

My goal is to make Internet marketing my 'proper job' helping others while achieving myself where, from what I've seen on WA so far, I think I've made the right decision.

It's great to be here!
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Jimmy Massey Premium
Welcome to WA.

My name is Jimmy. I'm a bit new here as well but if there is anything I could help you with I will try my best to help.
DanielAB Premium
Hi Welcome to WA

Let me know if there is every anything I can do help!

TJ Books Premium
Welcome to WA, the Place to Learn to Earn. Try selling some WA memberships (annuals best for you and the buyer). That is how I pay my annual membership. Good Luck! John
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Abnerfer Premium
Welcome on board Marty!!