Need a Press Release for new IM resource site

Last Update: April 18, 2010

Hey Everyone,

I just posted a WA Job (click here to see) for a 500+ word, Press Release article.

This new website is going to shake things up in the IM world...

If you have article writing skills, I urge you to bid on the project as you will be a pinnacle part of this website.

Here are the details:

TITLE: New Website Offers Internet Marketing Resources to Affiliate Marketers

Please write a PR article with the above title and main keyword is 'Internet Marketing Resources'. Please write a keyword density of about 3%. If you need more information, my site is at

Here are some of the features of the site that I wish to have in the press release:

  • Large directory of resources for online marketers
  • Submit your own affiliate resource
  • Rate and review other resources in the directory
  • Bookmark your favorite resources
  • Product launch announcements
  • Membership is free

This is a new website that is going to make a difference in the IM world and will be considered a staple for affiliate marketers, so top shelf quality is expected. 

So head on over to the WA Jobs area and post your bid!

All WA Members will have first access to the site.

Once the site is out of beta, you will all have access to the site where you can submit your own affiliate resource. Affiliate links will be accepted. :)

I will post details in the coming days.... :)

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sox1n05 Premium
There seems to be a lot of hugging going on around here. Do I need to be concerned or jealous that I'm not hugging anyone? :)
Slugger_mn Premium
You and Hugs...haha Stinkin pressure.. Hugs.. pre. hu.. Right amount.. Hugs.. huh.. Jealous...
Wootton Premium
magistudio Premium
[@Marcus] Thanks for the Hug Marcus... Just the right amount of pressure. LOL
Marcus Premium
Hope all goes well Jay....(HUGS) - ;)