[WAbinar] Open Education Project Walkthrough

Last Update: April 13, 2012

With the massive shift of WA turning into Open Education Project, it’s important to understand all aspects of the new portal and how to minimize the time to find what you want and maximize the time to learn.

Join Jay (magistudios) this FRIDAY where he will guide you though the new interface and show you some cool features you may not know about yet!
Also, there will be an exciting update on our WA case study series!

Be sure to come by and attend live as there will an opportunity to ask some burning questions you need answered!

If you have any questions during or after the WAbinar, please post them here.. :)

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SquidooSlfMstr Premium
One more question Jay:) In the General Discussion Live Chat area.... is there a way to find all the replies that were directed to you?
Sometimes multiple replies come in so fast that it pushed yours down, and it often gets lost.

SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Hi Jay:
Before OEP, we could bookmark tutorials and keep our own notes using the WAU notes feature. Do you know how we can access all our bookmark and notes?

Sachindra Premium
Subho Nobo Borsho. Heartiest Greetings to everybody
Praise Premium
Are the WAbinars recorded and archived? I wasn't able to attend this one. Or is there a transcript available?
magistudio Premium
Yes, it is being prepared for replay and will be available shortly.
georgejhaas Premium
Jay, when WA goes to the invitation system, will we be given a link to have potential new members use to get the free 10 day trial. If they join, will I be given credit for the sign-up?
magistudio Premium
You would simply use your current affiliate link which is located here:

And you will be given credit for anyone who signs-up through your link.