Upcoming Wordpress Guide

Last Update: December 20, 2009

Thought I would start using this blog space a little to talk about a new guide I am working on for wordpress. I know when I first started learning wordpress, I was completely overwhelmed with things. Hosting? FTP? What the heck is a "permalink?!" What I decided to do was create a pdf with TONS of screen shots that will take people from start to finish of getting their first website, that they OWN, online.

Hopefully it is useful, it will be free of charge and posted in sharezone here as well as given to my readers as a thank you.

 If you have a list IM'ers and want to use the content as well, I am willing to give it to those folks for use, just drop me a line.


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croninweb Premium
I know it will be a great help toall. You have been a big help to me in the past and all you share is the top of the line.
Thanks for all !
M-skeezy Premium
I tried to learn how to work wordpress not long ago and I got completely frustrated.I'll definitely be waiting on this guide. Thanx!