Google Update Crazy Results!

Last Update: April 25, 2012

Another crazy update from Google showing low quality results...

Here is the official announcement.


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urn357 Premium
musky I believe you will be ok. I read another article about this and I think it is just google doing crazy crap again and the sites should pop back up. One of mine has disappeared again also. The article talked about some of the most competitive keywods like "make money online" has some very crappy 1st page results now so i don't see it staying this way.

I also agree with DABK. I don't care what people say about content being king. Yes it is when it comes to making sells, but not ranking. Content alone is never going to get the high rankings when tons of people produce equal quality content compared to yours. backlinks then have to decide the factor.
Marc Premium
@muskyblood anything special on those sites?
muskyblood Premium
Not sure what you mean special? They have all unique content and what not, and were ranking well prior to update.
muskyblood Premium
All of my sites tanked yesterday. Had sites with over 50 posts that had been steady on page 1 for over a year...
DABK Premium
That's got to suck to high heaven. Any idea why they tanked?
nathaniell Premium
Don't feel bad. Mine did too. I've been checking WA today all day to see if this was a Google thing, or if my sites had the plague of some kind. I had a bunch of stuff on BMR so I though it was because of that. Maybe not.
Marc Premium
I agree with you DABK,
In my opinion thats how many became black hatters since doing "the right thing" can deindex your site the same way doing the "black hat thing"... google always change the game and we all know that its not just about quality content...
DABK Premium
Thanks for the link. I read the article. Google's claim that it rewards good content is not borne by my experience.

I, of course, do a lot of searches. The top site for insurance in my city has no better content than the 14th site, it has more backlinks, a lot of them bought (from sites with something like 100 links in the sidebar).

The site doesn't load faster, user experience... mine was not better.

Google has the following problem. it has to pick someone as number 1. When you have tens of thousands of sites producing quality content and great user experience, at least 100 or so of them will achieve perfection. Yet only 1 can be #1. So Google'll have to have some other mechanism... which will be backlinks... if not from article directories, then from guest posts or blog rolls or... And that means, unless Google has humans review, that at least some of the time, the #1 will be taken by someone who's got better linking not better content.

Even with human review, how do you decide that a site has 100 points and a site has only 99.999999?