Chains Of Habit...

Last Update: September 04, 2010

The Chains Of Habit are too light to be felt, until they are too heavy to be broken... Warren Buffet.

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Many people say that they want to break a habit that does not serve them; procrastination for example. What they do not always know or realise is that this, on it's own is rarely enough.

What needs to happen at the same time is to replace the 'bad' habit with something else that will serve them. In this example the new habit could be using a time management programme or working through a coaching programme that will identify lots of reasons why a person should take certain actions.

The great news is that generally it takes just 21 days for the brain the register that a recenty new behaviour is, in fact now a habit - isn't the mind amazing?
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh, I like that. True.