Marky's First Blog: Mindset

Last Update: March 20, 2010

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to start out by saying how happy I am to be a part of the WA community and to thank everyone for the red carpet treatment and words of encouragement...Thank You! 

To my fellow newbies...You are alone here only by choice. In any type of sales(I've done everything except IM), you can't be shy. You have to reach out...The Action Plan is set up to get you to not only research, but to take action. I'm not the most internet savvy person to say the had trouble even making my first post in the Forum...but I reached out, explained my problem, and the next day had an email explaining how to solve it from Carson. That's what the help button is for in the dashboard. Did I feel silly asking that question? A little! Was I going to get a answer so I could learn and move on...absolutely! I figured I wasn't the only one out there who had never used a forum, or a blog for that matter...that's why I'm breaking the ice with this one! Get involved in the forums....this ultimately will make you a better communicator.  I've learned alot so far...and even though I'm working the Action Plan on a daily basis, I make it a point to communicate and learn from those that have gone before the Forum is essential in my growth and development here at WA!

If I can add anything to the mix at this stage in my training, it has to do with mindset. This was touched on early in the Action Plan...and it is, in my opinion, the "make or break" for anyone in any sales capacity. Carson refers to the 10% that have all the money and what their formula is for success. To be successful in any endeavor, you have to BE IT the moment.....not later!  You have to mirror the success of those who are living that dream. You start out by watching your thoughts on a daily basis. YOU ARE what you tell yourself you are all day's not about positive thinking...It's about positve knowing!  You tell yourself "I am a millionaire", but your thought process and thinking say "yeah right"....That defeats the whole process. You learn that your brain is nothing more than a computer...and you have the power to enter data and delete data as you see fit. You learn to cancel a negative thought as you are thinking it and enter a more powerful one that fits your the MOMENT. As a man thinketh....(great book!)

I could go on and on with this subject matter....there are many great books out there that will instill these processes...and works because it's based on The Law of Attraction. You get in life what you believe you'll watch your thoughts, study and absorb, and take positive action(what would a successful internet marketer do in this moment!}.  A good book on this subject is: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy.  Thanks for the opportunity  Kyle and Carson!



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klrrider Premium
Great post... "Knowing" is important and is the key to "making it happen" Go get 'em Marky
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, you have to keep your vision clear and unhampered by doubt. If something isn't working, then tweak what you are doing. That's just mechanical.You have to see yourself as already realized. Takes discipline.
markymarkk Premium
Thanks...Yes...It was Baby's 1st I've been here a couple of weeks and I felt I needed to 'break the ice"!
kadcpp Premium
Nice post! Are you sure it is your first?