Crossroad decisions

Last Update: February 12, 2010

Decisions decisions every day"this seems to be my biggest challenge as I continue my journey through the Internet marketing world, I think I waste more time trying to decide what to do next then anything. When I should be spending time on writing articles, doing research, looking into new niche markets I find myself trying to make a decision on things like should I try article making to do my promotions? should I try P PC? That was my first decision which was pretty easy considering not a lot to invest in PPC, so I chose article making . But there is still decisions in the way I face like should I set up a blog?

Create a site, or landing page ,should I use a redirect link in my EZine article promotions because they don't allow affiliate links? trying to decide between everything that steps in your path will quickly frustrates you and overwhelm you especially if you're new to all this you will find yourself going off in so many different directions trying to find answers to these questions Instead of doing what's most important, Learning what is needed, choosing one direction sticking with it and just trying by putting something out there with the knowledge you have Gained and keep going with it" keeping yourself on track. I think that's very important for newbies. getting  off your path can waste valuable time something you will never get back.

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vic602 Premium
You certainly have that right Marlo. Sometimes making the decision is as difficult as actually doing the work after you finally make up your mind what to do.