I Just Love These Snowy Days

Last Update: January 07, 2010

Here in the UK we've had our hardest winter for about 30 years. I won't say worst because I like dry cold snowy conditions. Yes, I love them. Really love them.

But why?

The weather really hampers us all getting to work. I should take pity on those poor souls who spend hours gridlocked in their cars, often overnight, struggling to get into & out of the office....

...but I don't. As it justifies to me exactly why I quit working for someone else in the city. What a waste of time ond life!

 The weather does affect my work. I have to go turn up the thermostat one notch. That's it. Tough ain't it?

Whilst the workers have been gridlocked and trying to struggle into the office, I've knocked off two articles. My daily quota done.

And now. My wife & I are taking our cross country skis & heading off up the hill opposite. Got to go as the sun's up & making the snow glisten. Yippee!

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Arina23 Premium
lol! Very funny. I live in Seattle where it rains most of the time making it very easy for me to stay at home and work on my affiliate marketing. I guess it is possible to see the good in everything... even bad weather! :)
R-L-Atch Premium
Awesome! Great Blog!
martynh Premium
oh man - just back and that was awesome XC skiing
was losing myself in the deep powder when i tried to descend - Who Needs Colorado When We Have Yorkshire!

hell the kids will soon be home - better get another article done