My 2009 targets WILL be met.

Last Update: December 27, 2009

Here was my 2009 Target

No I didn't get any $$$ by Christmas. So I failed. But i'm not binning it.

Instead I'll roll this over till the end of Jan 2010. I'm no quitter & if I set myself a target I'll meet it.

To make life harder I'll also be working towards my 2010 targets in Jan. I'm still musing on what these should be.

2009 TARGET:
Earn first cash $$$ by Christmas
1. Pass WA Certified Article Marketing Course - on lesson 7/11
2. Map process / best tools for an article campaign - completed
3. Attain Ezine Platinum Status (10) - 8 submitted 6 published...
4. Use 1,2,3 to complete first big niche campaign - completed

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