Passed the Ezine test first go

Last Update: November 23, 2009

Submitted 2 articles to Ezine a couple of days ago

After all the talk of rejected articles etc I was half expecting to get nowhere

But the first was approved within 3 days.

I also earned the statys of Expert author - but I'm guessing everyone gets that.

Tried to keep to simple principles - 400 words min, short paragraphs and a few subheadings. Link at the end was to a Squidoo article.

It did take a while to write so whether when I speed it up they'll be quite so keen, we'll see.


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martynh Premium
its certainly worth learning the Ezine formula
the article published today had 49 views & is ranked 2nd in google against 2500 results.
Sadly the article links to a Squidoo lens so the chance of revenue is slim
Not a bad start though
sox1n05 Premium
Yeah, Ezines is definitely finicky. It almost depends on what day of the month you catch them on! So far, I've been doing pretty well with them. It just takes some practice. Once you get it down, it will go smoothly. Keep at it!
idm Premium
I submitted my article over a week ago and have only heard back that there was a problem. Then I had to request details on the problem. It's been days and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm doing other things but EZA isn't impressing me yet. I may just hire a writer who knows how to work the system. :)