Will SMEs go for WA?

Last Update: December 06, 2009

Tomorrow I've got a 15 minute slot to present IM near Manchester (that's UK not US)

The audience are consultants with a portfolio of SME clients

A year ago I did a presentation to them on LinkedIn and I still get questions about it.


I'll give them LOADS of free advice on how to help their clients with IM

Hopefully that will be a good starter for them

But if they need help

I'll suggest WAU 

Or I'll get some fees to do it for their clients.

Then again they may want a website created - we do those too

Let's see if it gets me anywhere  :-)

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martynh Premium
Just back
Gave a very nuts and bolts giveaway presentation
There were only 5 there but every one seemed to have learned from it.
It got me some keyword / optimisation work from 2 of the 5
They all want a copy of my presentation so I'll monitor to see if they click through to have a look at WA.
Maybe I can make a business out of this after all...
idm Premium
Do you have a landing page ready for them? Juuuust kidding.