Advice finally taken: Whiteboard !

Last Update: May 04, 2012

I decided I really needed to bite the bullet and get a whiteboard on (advice given from day 1 of my marketing adventure) for my marketing business. I was prepared to spend a little money, but not much. I figured I'd end up with a 2' wide or smaller board because I couldn't really afford more than $20. Well, I went to Costco today for some monthly shopping and decided to have a look see in their office section and they had this beauty sitting there waiting for me for exactly $20! It's 2 ft x 3 ft and came with magnetic everything so it is all attached to the board. How awesome is that? Now my tasks will stare at me. I cannot hide from them. And I can see them at an instant glance. Increased productivity, here I come! (I twirled and blurred out my 'sensitive' data so those are not left over messages that won't erase. It erases very well with no ghosting.) I know this isn't really that big of a deal, but I like being organized so I'm excited.

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Trek-shooter Premium
Hey Marvin I did exactly what you did 2 weeks ago and went out a brought a white board I got mine for about £10. Very helpful and for me I like to plan out my week so I have everything written on their for my IMing to thinks I need to buy and ideas. For some reason it keeps me motivated and gives me a sense of achievement when I wipe of something that I have completed
Marvin Premium
Yes, I did want one with lines on it but I'll have to settle for making my own eventually. For now it's just great to have the organization. My wife asked why I don't make a line through stuff so I feel like I accomplished something and I said the same thing about wiping it off. Plus, I would rather move forward. Task done, time to move forward.
jatdebeaune Premium
Nice price. I'll check out Costco too. Sure beats all the paper notes and legal pads. I need one too.
Marvin Premium
Paper notes just get lost on my desk. I also use stickies on my pc desktop, but they are behind everything. It's great to have a list to glance at and add to. Tasks stare me down now, but I get them done faster!
kyle Premium
Nice Marvin...I have considered making my entire office wall a whiteboard but I could only imagine the all of the pictures I would end up drawing on there. :) A great organization and "vision" tool!
Marvin Premium
I know exactly what you mean about drawing pictures. So far, I've restrained myself. But it is great to be organized! Sticky notes, be gone!
kyle Premium
Yeah, my ongoing problem is that I utilize paper for my whiteboard and to record my ongoing tasks but they continue to grow and I end up with piles of paper every where. I think the whiteboard wall is in my near future.
Carson Premium
Marvin Premium
Yes. Mine is filling up with some of those things. It's a little overwhelming to suddenly be able to quickly put down a thought and not lose it 10 min later.
jchilders Premium
congrats! just need to stay in the habit of USING it :)
Marvin Premium
So far I'm using it a lot. VERY helpful!