An IM 'High'

Last Update: September 26, 2011

Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm weird, but I realized something a few minutes ago. As I was pinging my sites at PingFarm I suddenly had this great rushing feeling, and a charge of energy like I'd just done something amazing. What was that about? It was the Free Traffic Buzz and it's very addicting. After the pings were completed, I sat staring at the screen reading "Ping Sent" as if I expected fireworks or a marching band in honor of this momentous event. But, alas, there was no fanfare. Not even an animated GIF. 'What now', I wondered. Then it hit me like so many midnight niche epiphanies - LOOK AT YOUR TRAFFIC! What, am I daft? I've only seconds earlier sent a ping to the Big "G" like a 'here are you rucky numbers' fortune cookie delivered to the Prince of Persia.

Deflated, I meagerly wandered back to reality and started to rummage through the refrigerator of  leftover article ideas. At least I got the pinging done.

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