Icon Creator: Bookmark, Favicon, Tiny-icon-on-the-tab-at-the-top

Last Update: September 18, 2011
Whatever you call 'em, I want to make 'em. I don't see a way to offer services in the 'Jobs' section (am I blind? probably) so I'll say so here. I really enjoy making these little website diamonds and would love to work with any of you on it. I am highly trained in photoshop so I can make anything I want, and then convert it to the favicon format. This conversion usually takes some tweaking, which is where the challenge comes in. For some samples visit:
I was thinking $5 each, but we can work out detail on an individual basis. I do recommend that you have some kind of solid plan for the icon, or have an existing image for me to work off of. If not, maybe I can design some graphics for your site. I made the graphics for all of the sites listed here.
I made this logo for my Facebook page for the reasonstobeavegan site:

I can also make animated favicons, but those take quite a bit longer.
Send me a message and may the good times (and favicons) roll!
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desyan Premium
Hey Marvin,

To post a job .. go to MyWa-->Jobs and then you'll see a little money sign on the top right corner just below the navbar ... it says "post", there you'll be able to post your job offer ! :)

hope it helps !
Marvin Premium
yeah, I made the logo/header for thereasonstobeavegan.com
thanks for the heads up on the link. I'll fix it. :)
dataplextech Premium
Did you make the logo/header for http://thereasonstobeavegan.com?
dataplextech Premium
The third link isn't working correctly. Brings me back to your WA blog and then this page.