About Marvos
Joined January 2009
I live in Sydney.

My interests are music (rock, progressive rock, classical/rock). I read a lot of books - about 20 per year - mostly crime fiction. For pets I like cats. My outdoor interests are camping and hiking.

I joined WA because I want different results to what I have obtained up until now. Naturally this means I have to DO something different.

My general goal is to be able to retire with everything paid for, and money to live on. If I can do even better than that - fantastic!

I admire what Marcus has done in WA, and plan to follow his model as I gradually learn what needs to be done, and just go ahead and do it.

All the best to everyone! There is plenty to go around.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Marvos Premium
I'm 51 and live near Sydney, Australia.
Marvos Premium
Erin - Yes! For sure. Let's stay in touch. Thanks for adding me as your buddy.
ActionSteve Premium
Hi there Mark, "Think and Grow Rich" is a book I try to read twice a year(soon I will have to get a new one because the pages are falling out). Do you have the version with the workbook? I've noticed you mentioned auto-suggestion cue-card, so that must be the new version I've been told about. I'm new to WA and to IM and I hope to meet some great people I can grow many successes with here at WA. With those great goals you are going to Vegas soon. I hope to qualify this year so I can meet some WA members. See you around and I wish you much success. Steve.
ActionSteve Premium
Thank you very much for the information. I will get my copy right away. There is so much information to absorb here at WA and as it is my first week my goal is to read whats in the Learning center and study all the lessons in it. The learning center lessons also give reference to sticky posts relevant for whatever subject you are studying. Reading these posts will take hours but will guarentee success and alot of time with trial and error. The members on these posts tried and tested and have come up with the best way to do something which puts newbies like us at a major advantage! You are right, there are members making a lot of money so lets give this a good run and help eachother out. By the end of week 2 I will try out what I have learned and share it with you and anyone who asks. To our success! Thank you again for taking the time to give me the book information.Steve.
Marvos Premium
Steve, the auto-suggestion idea comes from Chapter 2 or 3. He suggests making up a small card with your goals, which you keep with you and recite twice a day. He doesn't actually use the term 'cue-card' - that's just how I've described it. As for the version of my copy, it isn't clear, because I bought a book called 'The Getting Rich Trilogy'. It is a very recent compilation. Think and Grow Rich is the first book featured in the trilogy.

On the back of the book, it mentions the US pricing as being $14.95. Being in Australia, I paid $29.95, which is still great value considering it is 3 books in one. I don't have it with me right now, but if you are interested in further information on it, write back to me and I'll chase it up for you.

As to my goals, they are aggressive I guess, although my income figures include my current job's income. I am way behind on the 8-week plan, so no progress to the goals so far, but I do find the Napoleon Hill book very inspiring - just need to take action!

All the best to you too Steve, and I hope you make it to Vegas.
Marvos Premium
OK Steve, I'm at home now and I have the book in front of me.

The book is called 'The Secret To Getting Rich Trilogy'

ISBN10: 1-56975-662-7
ISBN13: 978-1-56975-662-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007907741

Book 1: Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Book 2: The Science of Getting Rich - WD Wattles
Book 3: The Master Key - Charles F Haarnel

I plan to buy a new copy of Think and Grow Rich, only Borders were out of stock last time I checked.

I hope this info helps.

I am also a newcomer to IM, so let's all work together to make it happen. There's plenty of people in WA who are making a red hot go of it - so why not us?

Best regards,