About Mastofdom
Joined April 2009
Alright, here we go... another 'about me'. How I love writing these.

My name is Slaven, I am 22 years old and live in BC, Canada. I never thought I would find myself sitting at a computer desk trying to make money, but things happened that were beyond my control, and here I am. I was in a serious car accident two years ago and I broke my back, being fortunate enough to escape paralysis because the spinal cord was not damaged. This is significant because I have always been a very active, outdoors-y, hands-on kind of guy, and naturally liked doing things in that realm. The injury has completely flipped my life upside down, and I have been forced to look for a job that will be within my physical ability. It has not been easy, because I have had to re-train my mind to think of new avenues and possibilities.

Thankfully, I am not a quitter, and I am resolved to make the best of my situation. Joining this site feels like a rational first step in a new direction, and I intend to make the best of it. I look forward to using the help that WA provides.

Incidentally, I am still able to snowboard, which is my absolute favorite activity period. I am still very active and fit, and enjoy the beauty of nature as much as ever. Where I live right now makes that very easy for me. :)

Addition, April 4th, 2009: The picture of the vehicle (what was left of it) that was involved in the crash.
Mastofdom's Accomplishments

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ericstreet Premium
Slaven!! What's up bud? Just started the Article Marketing course here! Really excited but.. back to work for me :)
Steven.P Premium
People like you inspire me because thats true adversity and your here stories like yours let me know that my situation is not that bad i'd like to commend you on your courage and wish you all the best, Kyle and carson from my understanding live in B.C Canada i live in Toronto Canada myself so we both fellow Canadians well just stop by to say WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASUP and welcome you to wealthy affiliate feel free to give me shout anytime!
mastofdom Premium
Thanks man. I have learned to look at everything in a positive light, even the most negative situation. I intend to succeed, and I wish you the same. Rock on!
Kirst Premium
Shucks - what a story...
Glad you back on track.
Sounds like you've got it in you to make it online if you are not a quiter
hey i want to post something right here that i found online today, that might inspire you even more..
anyway, you gotta click on the persons pic to reply.
all the best
here it is.
"Trial & Error: Are you willing to work through the failures, the trials and errors to get to profits? Can you accept the fact that you are going to need to fail a lot to learn? You will of course win a lot as well and the winners will add up to a great income over time, but in the process you are going to fall down sometimes, get some bruises.. can you keep going through that?

No eBook or guide is going to make you a success. You will gain a lot by reading many of them. There are some great systems and techniques out there to make a lot of money with Affiliate Marketing, but the elements that will find you with a highly profitable and expanding Affiliate Marketing Business lie within you and your mindset.

If you are not equiped with the desire.. real desire.. burning desire.. to win no matter what, you won%u2019t. If you have decided that nothing will stand in your way, then nothing will. If you have decided that you can accept the obstacles, see them as learning opportunities, and move forward even when it seems you are not making much progress, then success is yours."

It was written by Matt Levenhagen and I hope he'll pardon me for quoting so much of the article, but he makes such important points PLUS you really need to go to his blog to read the rest of this insightful piece.

Kirst Premium
HI Slaven
Remember me?
could i ask you to give a testimonial on my WA testimonial lens? do you have a squidoo account yet?


You can write it in the guest book section about half way through the lens.

only if you have time.

mastofdom Premium
Thanks for the welcome and the link! I actually feel privileged to have realized that success depends only on attitude. That has been key to my physical recovery, and I intend to use it to make the best of my current circumstances. Cheers!
mastofdom Premium

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner... I have been really "busy", if you can call it that. I haven't made much concrete progress, but I have definitely overloaded my brain every single day I am online. It's hard not to really, there is so much to learn, and I want to know it all now! haha. To be honest, I wouldn't feel right giving a testimonial for WA until I have made my first sale, because I would not be telling the complete truth. I will get back to you when I do make that sale; I just need to get it done.

Best of luck to you, and keep doing what you're doing! It is obviously working ^. :)
wisky Premium
Hi Slaven, Reading you post and seeing the wrecked car.....! Thanks God You are still Alive! Wishing all the best! and take care of yourself when you snowboard. good health is our real wealth. Good luck and nice to meet you here at WA!
mastofdom Premium
Thanks a lot for stopping by! Best of luck to you (although luck has little to do with real success IMO). Take care!
blustraggler Premium
Hey Slaven, I hope you are successful when you are gone.....come back soon!
blustraggler Premium
AAAhhh thank you. He is an Italian Mastiff and his name is Jackson Luciano. He is 3 years old and about 120 lbs.
I hope to see some pics of Zena soon! take care.
mastofdom Premium
Hahahaha @ your 'mom' conversation.... Good to know I'm not the only one :). I am nearing the end of my second month in IM with no monetary results, and lots of times I feel like I should be getting much more done. I intend to change my 'feeling' into action, so when I come back here I will be able to offer some positive feedback. WA rules; there's no way I would give it up now.
Thanks for stopping by!
mastofdom Premium
Just wanted to let you know that I love your dog! Is he a mastiff? I have a 9-month old boxer, her name is Zena. I need to post some pics of her hehe. But the color of her coat is pretty much identical to your dog's! She has a black face and a white chest too. She's adorable lol. What's the name of that big guy?