About Max Sinclair
Joined August 2009
Max Sinclair's Accomplishments

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Max Sinclair Premium
And old things pass away. Starting not only a new way of making money, but starting on the P90X today. Time to get serious about both making a better financial & health future. Details to follow.
Steven.P Premium
hi welcome to wealthy affiliate good luck
Max Sinclair Premium
Hey thanks Travis! And to you as well.
Max Sinclair Premium
Today I have to write 10 articles for ezine to break into the safe zone :) yay me...well, truth be know they are not going to be terribly substantive. That's ok, it gets me out of the creepy new guy category with the editors so I can write some genuine articles linking back to product landing pages or lens' ;)
Max Sinclair Premium
Hrmmm, need a spell check on this thing...heh
Max Sinclair Premium
Max Sinclair Premium
Have some really great news on the article marketing front. I got my platinum acceptance on EzoneArticles.com and also am first page for all of my keywords. Amazing considering it has only been a couple of weeks. Not to convert those puppies ;)