My first squidoo lens part 2

Last Update: June 13, 2010

I am really confused on whether to move on to the next article submission site, or make sure i submit all my articles first on squidoo (for the various products that i'm affiliated to). I've registered with hubpages, but i'm not sure where they rank as far as traffic generation is concerned. According to my Wealthy Affiliate training program, i am supposed to re-write the same article and submit it to one more article website. Maybe, i must just follow the WA advice then.



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AffiliateLeader Premium
I have had more success with hubpages, in terms of traffic, than I have had with Squidoo. Also, if applicable, post an ad on craigslist with a link to one of your pages. Good luck, and if you have any more questions see if the forum has an answer for ya.