About Mcizg
Joined September 2009
Hi, my name is Zoltan. I'm 32. Nowadays, i work as an SAP expert. A few years ago, i tried myself as a proprietary trader on the financial futures market, and i also worked as an analyst for a London-based trading company.
I have a wife and a beautiful 3-year old baby. I spend my free time with them (and with my friends), but i think, it would be nice to spend much more time in their company. I do really hope, that I can put my plans into action with WA University.
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Bryceb Premium
Welcome to WA and Internet Marketing for that matter. If I can be of any help especially with you getting started then please don't hesitate to contact me. :)
funjob Premium
Good plan there!
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Work hard! John
smiley Premium
Sorry last sentence came out wrong. If you are willing to work hard and take action you will go far. Good Luck!
smiley Premium
Hi and welcome to WA. This is the best place to be to learn internet marketing. If you are willing to work hard and take action will get go far. Good Luck!