Things on my mind!

Last Update: July 27, 2012
Sense I can't join WA, and when I say join I mean by upgrade to Premium because until then I don't feel like I have fully joined WA. Any ways for the next week I am going to have some burning questions, about WA as a whole.
1. I'm not that great of a writer when it comes to punctuation, so how does that play in the process of designing just average websites to great websites?
2. It seems like after creating websites based on are niche it would be wise to refer people to the hottest selling items of trending. This seems like the way to go if you want to get large quantities of websites reads, and buys.
3. It also seems like we can utilize the Google search bar to are advantage, whenever I start typing something in underneath in the sub search bar it is already trying to think for me, which I think could be HUGE when figuring out what to build a website around.
4. It seems like when reviewing a product on Amazon, some of the work is already done for you as far as reviewing it even if you've never used the product before, just using word of mouth, of course your sample size has to be bigger for a better more accurate review.
5. Also Amazon has a "Most Popular" under almost every categories, that's what we should like for right?
Just some thoughts thanks

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BIS Premium
Hi Matt
I'm glad that you said you will have a lot o questions because it's important that you do ask them.

1) Punctuation. I'm not sure whether you just mean punctuation alone or grammar and punctuation so let me talk about both. Obviously you want your content to be the best it can - so the quality of the writing matters

Does it have to be absolutely perfect ? - No.
Does it matter if there is an occasional mistake ? - Not really.

However, and it's a big however. If your punctuation or grammar prevents people reading your content easily then it becomes a big problem because they will not stay on your site. If your punctuation or grammar could do with a little help then you need to find someone else who is willing to proofread for you on a regular basis.

2) Referring people to highest trending items. Just referring people to specific items is not enough to make them buy. People have got to understand why you recommend them. It's one of the biggest mistakes that people make in internet marketing is not giving potential customers enough reasons why they should purchase something.

3) Google search - is useful in giving you ideas about what people are looking for and then you need to go on and do some keyword research.

4) Amazon reviews - These can be very useful if you haven't bought a product, but you do need to make sure that you read them and then write your own review. I have seen people recommend items that only have two stars and when I have read the reviews I've realised they should not be recommending the products.

5) Amazon's most popular products - This is useful information. However, it doesn't mean that people aren't buying other products as well - so don't get too caught up in this information.

Hope this helps

Good luck with all your endeavours.

mdonnelly21 Premium
WOW thanks for answering all my questions was really helpful.